I’m a Technical Architect with 10 years working experience in software development. In those 10 years I had an opportunity to work on variety of different size/scale/throughput projects from hotel reservation start-up to financial systems in one of the biggest banks globally. The stack I usually work with is Angular – on the frontend, Java/Spring – on the API layer, Linux on the VM or a Container and some kind of database for sure (everything from PostgreSQL to MarkLogic or Casandra).
Not to focus on my usual stack too much I like to explore new (or old) technologies/programming languages and to understand the best use cases for them as well. That is why I though it would be good idea to have a centralised place where I could document my knowledge and potentially to share it with others. The blog sounds like a good place to do it.
It’s not my first attempt to start the tech blog though, I had couple failed attempts in the past. Just this time I decided to plan the releases in advance and commit to the timeline. As from my previous experience – when I do not have the deadline it is hard to stop procrastinate and do the writing. That is also a reason this blog is named releaseweekend.com
The Release Weekend (dot) com – technical blog about Software Engineering and related topics on which I will try to post two times a month.